A Rare Day For Omens and Magic
Pagans Full Moon with Sun in Gemini and The Moon is called the Dyad Moon.
Its message is to remember that there are at least two sides to every
story. Be fair and balanced, consider the totality. Also do think things
through before choosing. Within all good is evil and all evil good.
Among the Native Americans this Full Moon has been called the Moon of the Corn.
Always the growth of corn, the first cultivated crop, marked a time
when culture took a leap forward. Corn fields were the heart of early
villages. This grain is symbolic of intelligence and versatility. Corn
has long been used in many nutritious dishes. The dried kernels can also
be turned into jewelry and used in blessing rituals.
In the Celtic Calendar This Full Moon coincides with The Month of Duir, the Oak Tree.
Paraskavediatriaphobiac (A really neat word describing one who fears
Friday the 13th.) An overall terror of the number 13 in itself
is called triskaidekaphobia.
Looking at the Tarot, Card 13 is Death in the major arcane.
An omen
of new beginnings and a glance into the world of the afterlife, it is
considered a good card. In pagan rites 13 witches are a full coven,
The United States of America, the wealthiest and most privileged
society which has ever existed, has 13 stripes on the flag, 13 stars and
stripes on The National Seal. The details of the Seal reveal more
symbolism. The Eagle has 13 tail feathers in each wing and holds 13
arrows and 13 olive branches. Our national motto has 13 letters,
thirteen was the number of original colonies. Scholars attribute the
number 13 to the mysteries of the Masonic practices which were the
occult and spiritual beliefs held by the Nations founders. George
Washington called for a 13 gun salute when he raised the flag for the
first time.
Those who understand the number thirteen hold the keys of Power and Dominion
some angry, volatile moods afoot
and bizarre weather. Not to worry, but cherish peace and simplicity. A
touch of humor helps in coping with difficult people, otherwise just
ignore them.
Venus will be in Taurus, one of her ruling signs this Friday the
13th. Joy can be found through music and also in gardening or walking in
places of natural beauty.