Encyclopedia of the Unseen World: The Ultimate Guide to Apparitions, Death Bed Visions, Mediums, Shadow People, Wandering Spirits, and Much, Much More
The Shadow People are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that,
according to believers, are seen flickering on walls
and ceilings in the
viewer's peripheral vision.

They are often reported moving with quick,
jerky movements,
and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors.
are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature,
although a few people
consider them to be a form of guardian angel.
In 2010, the
apparitions were described as one of the most regularly reported
paranormal phenomena in the United States.
This is attributed to occasional reports on the Coast to Coast AM show,
where paranormal
researcher Heidi Hollis has been interviewed several times on the
subject of shadow people.

Hollis believes that shadow people have always existed, that they feed upon emotions of fear,
and that they can be
repelled by thinking positively.
Others believe that shadow people may
be the extra-dimensional inhabitants
This is attributed to occasional reports on the Coast to Coast AM show,
Hollis believes that shadow people have always existed, that they feed upon emotions of fear,

of another universe.
The stories
of shadow people have been compared to those of the Raven Mocker, a
witch from Cherokee Indian mythology who sometimes appears as a shadowy
phantom, and the Islamic Djinn.
Several scientific principles can
be used to explain reports of apparitional experiences such as shadow people. These include sleep paralysis, illusions, or hallucinations
brought on by physiological or psychological circumstances, drug use or
side effects of medication, and the interaction of external agents on
the human body. Another reason that could be behind the illusion is
sleep deprivation, which may lead to hallucinations.
Paralysis" is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep
or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. More formally,
it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by
complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness).
It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams.
Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea; however, it can also occur in isolation. When linked to another disorder, sleep paralysis commonly occurs in association with the neuromuscular disorder narcolepsy
It can occur at sleep onset or upon awakening, and it is often associated with terrifying visions (e.g. an intruder in the room), to which one is unable to react due to paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams.
Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, migraines, anxiety disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea; however, it can also occur in isolation. When linked to another disorder, sleep paralysis commonly occurs in association with the neuromuscular disorder narcolepsy
Shadow people what are they ? Fascinating insight into this
supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures.With real video footage you
must see warning not suitable for children slightly scary in parts..In
2010, the apparitions were described as one of the most regularly
reported paranormal phenomena in the United States. What are they ?
Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldy Beings
An expert on the unexplained and paranormal research, Brad and Sherry
Steiger turn their unique and remarkable talents to the bold
storytelling of encounters with the unknown from throughout the ages.
From mysterious strangers and unpredictable beings to weird behavior and
paranormal phenomena, they investigate claims of visits from ghastly
ghosts, otherworldly creatures, aliens living among us, phantoms,
spirits and other accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Over 130
astounding accounts of Real Encounters with the supernatural, such as
... *Visitors from others worlds who have had Earth under surveillance
for centuries, conducting their activities in secret-- even abducting
humans for their own research and undeclared ends. *Members of secret
societies who developed an advanced technology centuries ago which has
been kept hidden in underground or undersea cities. *Time Travelers
from the Future. Beings who claim to be our descendents from the future
who are returning to study the true destiny of humankind. *Ghosts that
haunt people, places, and things--and poltergeists that create havoc.
*Beasties and monsters found in everyone’s worst nightmares--and
sometimes in their campsites, fields, and yards. *Other Dimensional
Visitors, Beings, Creatures, or Entities that come not from a faraway
world in our solar system or any other, but from an adjacent space-time
continuum existing on another vibrational/dimensional frequency or
level. *Previously unknown, unidentified terrestrial life-forms, such
beings as "sky-critters," "sky fish,” “rods,” and “orbs.” *As yet
unknown physical energies that may be activated by the psyche, the
unconscious level of the human mind. *Archetypal creatures and entities
of the collective unconscious that are the result of energies that are
accessible through dreams, meditations, and other states of altered
*Interactions with beings that have been dubbed elves, fairies, devas throughout the centuries. *The marvelous, creative facet of dreams. *Out-of-body mind-traveling through Time and Space.
*Interactions with beings that have been dubbed elves, fairies, devas throughout the centuries. *The marvelous, creative facet of dreams. *Out-of-body mind-traveling through Time and Space.
*Majestic beings who are described in the scriptures of many world
religions as angels or demons.
The Shadow People. They lurk in obscurity. Looming human figures,
blacker than darkness. Millions across the globe see them. The
unfortunate feel their touch. And some awake in horror to their red,
unblinking stare. Join Jason Offutt, who has interviewed dozens of
eyewitnesses, as he shines some light on the world of the Shadow People,
viewing these beings through the lens of science, religion, and
metaphysics. Are they ghosts, demons, hallucinations, or something else

the truth about shadow beings,
how to keep your home free from hostile shadow entities;
and the notion of what constitutes stigmatized real estate.
Those who seek spiritual enlightenment must also be prepared for resistance. If you are looking for positive changes in your life, but you are becoming increasing sensitive to invading entities, you will need to bring balance to your situation.
~ an effective quick fix remedies plan; plus,
~ learn how to build and maintain your own light fortress in order to defend yourself from intrusive, hostile energies.
Your best plan is protection. Protecting yourself and your family, from hostile entities will alleviate negativity in your living environment and reduce your stress levels significantly
The numbers of farms and farmers on the Great
Plains are dwindling. Disappearing even faster are the farm places―the
houses, barns, and outbuildings that made the rural landscape a place of
habitation. Nancy Warner's photographs tell the stories of buildings
that were once loved yet have now been abandoned. Her evocative images
are juxtaposed with the voices of Nebraska farm people, lovingly
recorded by sociologist David Stark. These plainspoken recollections
tell of a way of life that continues to evolve in the face of wrenching
Warner's spare, formal photographs invite readers to listen to the cadences and tough-minded humor of everyday speech in the Great Plains. Stark's afterword grounds the project in the historical relationship between people and their land. In the tradition of Wright Morris, this combination of words and images is both art and document, evoking memories, emotions, and questions for anyone with rural American roots.
Warner's spare, formal photographs invite readers to listen to the cadences and tough-minded humor of everyday speech in the Great Plains. Stark's afterword grounds the project in the historical relationship between people and their land. In the tradition of Wright Morris, this combination of words and images is both art and document, evoking memories, emotions, and questions for anyone with rural American roots.
Nearly 400 years later, a young Catholic priest, an Exorcist name Patrick Moran (Paddy) from Boston finds himself caught up in the hunt for the stolen sacred history. He becomes a target of the evil that has been turned loose on mankind. Fr. Paddy Moran faces grisly murders, witnesses Black Masses, is tempted romantically, and finds death at his doorstep as he fights against the unknown. He learns that, as fearful as these things are, as an exorcist it becomes his mission to solve the mystery of the Curse of the Shadow People.
Though the story is fictional, the book is based upon real events recorded by the author over the last 38 years. It is filled with the ideology of those who combat Demons (Exorcists) and those who practice the Black Arts (Occultists). This makes Father X and the Shadow People like no other mystery book of its kind. The belief systems represent realty.